Thursday, 31 January 2013

In Which There is FLAIL



but also some of ok, a lot of this:

all in all, though... HOOOORAAAAAAY! 

101/1001 - #78 - Complete a Photo Challenge - WIP!

in order to cross this one off the list, i'm participating in fat mum slim's photo a day challenge. i've even managed to get all but one of this month's prompted pics posted (say that 5 times fast) on their assigned days.

i'm still debating on whether i'll post all my photos here, particularly because one of them from this month includes two of my friends' kids, and i don't want to put their adorable faces on the internet without parental consent.

however, for posterity's sake, i'm going to make a list here, and cross off each month as i complete it. :)

january 2013
february 2013
march 2013
april 2013
may 2013
june 2013
july 2013
august 2013
september 2013
october 2013
november 2013
december 2013

Sunday, 27 January 2013

A Few Words on Self-Publishing

this has been something that folks have broached with me a handful of times here recently, because i've been pretty vocal about the fact that i have (finally, praise little sweet baby jesus) finished the edits and revisions for my manuscript. a couple people seem to think that i'm willing to contact amazon digital publishing or one of the other ePub companies at this point, and while i don't want to appear dismissive...

i don't.

like, not even a smidge.

i have no interest in pursuing that, and while i have a whole litany of reasons why, i thought i'd address the major hitters here. before i do this, though, i must repeat: these are my opinions. if you don't agree, that's fine. move along, then.

first and foremost: i believe in the traditional route to publishing. for those of you who may not actually know what this entails - because really, why would you, unless you are involved in said industry? - here's a quick and dirty version:
  • have completed/edited manuscript in your possession
  • query (this is the process of contacting literary agents for representation)
  • sign with agent; work on manuscript more
  • agent acts as liaison for you with publishers
  • secure publishing deal
there's a ton of in-between work that happens within and after these five points, but all things considered, this is the basic gist.

i believe in this route to publishing for a million reasons, but one of the top ones is the sheer quality of work that tends to come out of this method. yes, you'll have some clunkers. but if you compare/contrast the quality between a traditionally published work and a large portion of self-published novels, you will see a distinct difference in quality, both with regard to writing, but also to marketing, and editing.

CAVEAT: of course there are some self-published/ePublished works that are of impeccable quality (an excellent example of this is Hugh Howey's WOOL series, which was originally published via amazon). unfortunately, this is not the norm.

second, an author is far less likely to receive a truly lucrative deal via self-publishing than traditional. there are a long list of reasons why this is the case, but primarily, this is because all of the big publishers - think harper, simon & schuster, penguin, scholastic - will not read your work unless an agent is involved. why? plain and simply: quality. so, you see, this is a rather circular discussion, eh?

third, generally speaking, self-publishing and then trying to attain the representation of an agent is rather difficult, for reasons that have to do with royalties/intellectual property/contract law/etc etc. translation: red tape ahoy. no, thank you.

now, if you asked me if i would CONSIDER self-publishing at any point, i would tell you that the answer is yes. but that would not really be an option for me unless i felt that i had exhausted all other resources, and to be frank, at this point, i am confident in my ability to attain the representation of an agent, which is a good chunk of the battle.

anyway, i just wanted to talk briefly (or, not so briefly, as it were) about this, because i do have strong feelings on the topic, and this is, after all, my little corner of the internet. ;)

happy sunday, all.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

It's DONE.

Approximately 6 weeks of writing.
5 constructive criticism partners.
3 rounds of quick edits.
1 round of slow edits.
1 round of review/slow edits/additions.

74000 words.

I'm going to take a day off and then come back and adjust some formatting things, but my Book Baby is ready for querying now.


**runs around dancing**


Monday, 21 January 2013

Soundtrack Things

a bit ago, my husband asked me a pretty cool question: 

"once you're published... if someone wanted to make your book into a movie, and you had a say in what ended up on the film soundtrack, what are 8 songs you'd want on it?" 

realistically, i didn't have to think too long for any of these tracks, because i write to a soundtrack, always. i thought i'd share them, in case anyone is interested. all of these songs create a real feel for either the story as a whole, or for a specific scene. pardon me as i nerd the f out, guys. for real.

in no particular order:

Bjork, "Army of Me"
(this was the most played track while i was writing the initial draft of this manuscript.)

Civil Twilight, "Letters from the Sky"

Flyleaf, "Fully Alive" 

Frou Frou, "Let Go" 

Radiohead, "How to Disappear Completely" 
(radiohead comprises the majority of my writing playlist for this novel.) 

Massive Attack, "Butterfly Caught" 
(massive attack is also a large portion of this playlist.) 

Incubus, "Dig" 

Death Cab for Cutie, "You Are a Tourist" 

what do you think? for those of you who know me, are you surprised? for those of you who have read this manuscript, can you "see" the story a bit better when you consider this soundtrack? 


Sunday, 20 January 2013

My 101 in 1001 List

My 101 in 1001 List:  
(to be completed by September 27th, 2015)

I'll update this post as progress is made on each goal. :) It will remain in the right column over there if you're ever feeling nosy. :)
(I originally blogged about this here, but since I will no longer be using the actual Day Zero site to keep track, here we are again.)

1. Have a $1000 in a "just for fun" fund - WIP
2. Get to my goal weight and maintain - WIP.
3. Query a novel - Began January 31, 2013.
4. Write a letter to myself to be opened when the 1001 days is over - done - 1/2/2013
5. Go on a spontaneous road trip
6. Have professional photos taken
7. Run a 5K race - The Color Run, Austin; May 4th, 2013
8. Go on a cruise - possible: Fall 2013
9. Get a nose piercing - priced with True Blue
10. Get a tattoo - Researching
11. Go vegetarian for a month
12. Buy a house
13. Pay off my credit cards - WIP
14. Pay off my car - WIP
15. Throw Bella a crazy awesome 5th birthday bash - Done! Alice in Wonderland extravaganza!
16. Record a song in a professional studio
17. Write a collection of short stories - started writing.
18. Enter a writing contest
19. Find a job that I love - Done. 
20. Get laser hair removal
21. Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day
22. Have a romantic weekend away
23. Do 5 random acts of kindness - WIP, February 2013
24. Get a Brazilian Blow Out done on my hair.
25. Wear my goal pants size. - DONE! October 2013. Working on stretch goal size now.
26. Find a yoga class to attend regularly - Done. At work of all places!
27. Take an internet sabbatical (1 month)
28. Get purple highlights
29. Stop biting my nails - done, January 2013
30. Reread the Harry Potter series - WIP, beginning March 2013
31. Be an extra in a film
32. Attend a music festival
33. Attend the midnight premiere of a movie
34. Actually attend my graduation ceremony - registered to attend/walk DONE!
35. Throw Ken an amazeballs 40th birthday party - PLANNING! Done. :)
36. Make Valentines Day Wedding Anniversary 2013 into an event - This had to be adjusted. WIP, still. Included in Ken's birthday bash. DONE!
37. Donate hair to Locks of Love - growing my hair out.
38. Do ACL as a VIP
39. Get to know my dad
40. Learn Spanish - WIP
41. Learn Italian
42. Get a passport
43. Give flowers to someone
44. Give a 100% tip
45. Cook a three course meal - researching course options - April 2013
46. Ask 20 friends to suggest one book, and read them all - WIP 1/4/2013
47. Visit Miami.
48. Go back to NYC
49. Have a spa day
50. Dress up for Halloween - planning
51. Make Christmas cards for my friends and family
52. Rewatch Dawson's Creek - WIP
53. Have a '90s theme party
54. Have a slumber party
55. Do some volunteer work
56. Buy a canvas and paint a piece of artwork - Done 2/1/2013
57. Buy a Keurig
58. Attend a wine tasting
59. Attend five author events - Marissa Meyer (2.13.13) - The SWEAT Tour (8.12.13) - ATBF 2013 (9.28.13) - Marissa Meyer (2.17.14) - Ransom Riggs (1.21.14)
60. Get a pedicure
61. Have $10000 in savings - WIP
62. Donate $5 to charity for each task I don’t complete
63. Be pescatarian for a month
64. Have an impromptu overnight trip.
65. Try out Indian food
66. Spring clean and donate or chuck out - Done, Spring 2013
67. Start meditating - Begun 3/3/2014
68. Enroll Bella in a dance class - possibly this summer (2014)
69. Make baked brie
70. Surprise someone with an unexpected gift - Kimber's care package, August 2013
71. Surprise someone with a picnic lunch
72. Go to a movie by myself
73. Make the move to organic produce/foods - WIP
74. Get a puppy
75. Have a kick ass 31st 32nd birthday party 
76. Visit Nashville again - planning
77. Spend an afternoon reading at the park - January 2, 2014 (Arboretum w/Erin & Bella)
78. Complete a 365 day photo challenge - WIP (#fmsphotoaday) Instagram
79. Complete a 1000 piece puzzle - Purchased Van Gogh's "Starry Night"
80. Begin the writing of one of the entries on my Writer's Bucket List
81. Whiten my teeth
82. Learn how to knit or crochet - Done! Loom Knitting, November 2013.
83. Spend a day in silence
84. Spend a day exploring my city
85. Make homemade baskets of goodies for Christmas - planning
86. Try 15 new restaurants-- Tomo sushi, Thai Cuisine, Frank, Kohnami, Gloria's, North, Full English, Homeslice Pizza, HopDoddy Burger Bar, Banger's Sausage House and Beer Garden, Golden Wok, The Brass House, Peche, Tortuga Flats (14/15)
87. Spend a weekend away with Bella
88. Have a weekend away with my girls
89. See a musical - Wicked, March 1, 2014!
90. Wear false eyelashes - Done! (Vicki's wedding, 4/13)
91. Be able to do 100 sit ups - WIP
92. Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal for 6 months - WIP (January 2013)
93. Watch all of the James Bond movies - started!
94. Send a secret to PostSecret
95. Go to a symphony
96. Bake something with Bella (from scratch) - Beignets, June 1, 2014!
97. Buy a throwback bathing suit
98. Wear a dress or skirt every day for a week
99. Go see the bats
100. Write a handwritten letter to someone
101. See Mumford & Sons in concert (again)

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Stuff to Get Done

i'm not even going to lie - the purpose of this blog entry is solely accountability for me. there are a handful of things i need to get done, things that continue to be put off for one reason or another, and i have to stop doing that. i figure if i post about it here, someone (if there is anyone) who reads this in my real life will prod me, which will give me the extra oomph of motivation to get these things done.

so, here they are, in no particular order:

1) finish the edits of my novel. i'm currently on page 93 of about 360, and after this pass through, i still have to give it a final read through.  i have to do this in order to query, because i refuse to query something that is lacking in quality. the end. due date: 1/24 - update 1/21 - on page 240/370  update 1/22 - on page 282/375 - LESS THAN 100 pages left! DONE! 1/24/13  - 9:20ish PM
2) buy B a new bed and new bedding. she's simply too tall for the one we have, but with the move and then the holidays, as well as K not having an income quite yet, other things took priority. due date: 3/1
3) buy a new belt. this sounds so stupid, i know, but i no longer have one that is small enough to actually help when jeans are too loose. and it's been this way since like ... october. yeah. i suck at buying things for myself. due date: 3/1
4) purchase notebook for v-day project. details must be kept on the hush. ;) due date: ASAP  done 1/16/13
     4a) actually complete v-day project. due date: 1/31 - done - 1/17/13

so, if you know me, and you see me in real life over the next handful of months, kick me in the shins if i haven't started these things.

hope everyone had a great weekend! i know we did. :)

Sunday, 6 January 2013

101/1001 - #46: Book Recs - WIP

#46 on my 101/1001 list is:
Ask 20 friends to suggest one book, and read them all


i've started this one! i put together a google form and sent it out, as well as poked around on facebook, and i'm pretty excited about the recommendations I received. see below (in no particular order):

The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan (rec'd  by Jes) - read 1/15/13
Everyday by David Levithan (rec'd by Tricia) - read January 2014
If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin (rec'd by Ken) - read 2/7/13
Shadow of Night by Deb Harkness (rec'd by Kimber) - read 4/28/13
Amelia Anne is Dead and Gone by Kat Rosenfield (rec'd by Tonya) - read 2/9/13
I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore (rec'd by Jen) - read 1/10/13
Bed by Tao Lin (rec'd by Krystal) - read 8/22/13
Matched by Allie Condie (rec'd by Mandy) - read 9/22/13
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs (rec'd by Vicki) - read 10/6/13
Firefly Lane by Kristen Hannah (rec'd by Roxie)
The Wool Series by Hugh Howey (rec'd by Brie) - read 3/4/13
The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross (rec'd by Erin) - read Nov 2013
Empty by KM Walton (rec'd by Mary) - read 6/16/13
Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson (rec'd by Michelle)
Dirty by Megan Hart (rec'd by Lins)
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society by Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows (rec'd by Chey)
John Dies at the End by Oliver Wong (rec'd by Yvonne)
Flat Out Love by Jessica Park (rec'd by Bec) - read 3/8/13
The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh (rec'd by Beth) - read 6/14/13
Feed by Mira Grant (rec'd by Anna)

in these 20 books, many genres are represented - historical romance, supernatural, realistic fiction, steampunk, and even a short story collection and some erotica (which i don't generally read much of). there's a good amount of YA, but also a good amount of non-YA, and even some non-fiction and a bit of satire, and one book by the author of my all time favorite short story.  (also: zombies. wheeee!) basically? my friends are awesome.

all in all, i think this makes for a really great selection, and i'm super excited to get started on the list. (side note: a handful of these are already on my shelves, either literally here in my living room, or on my tbr list on goodreads, which is pretty cool.)

have you read any of these books? do you want to?

oh, PS: i'm about to be in a book club again, and i'm insanely excited about that, too. :)

Thursday, 3 January 2013

101/1001 - #4: Done!

for more info on this, you can click here or you can use the link to the right, explaining my 101/1001 list. :)

#4: Write a letter to myself to be opened when the 1001 days is over

this was an easy peasy one for me. i used dear future me, and sent an email to  myself that will not be delivered until september 27th, 2015, which is the final day of my 1001 day challenge. 

i won't talk at length about what i said, of course, because the goal, for me at least, is to sort of forget i sent it so that when it arrives, i am totally surprised. for the record, i used dear future me before, about a year ago, and sent a letter dated six months out, and it was so cool to open it and really be able to see where my head was at a given moment. 

 here's to knocking one thing off the good ole list, eh? :) 

would you ever write yourself a letter like this? 
- ang  

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Goal Making and Such

hey hey hey! happy new year!

i had a fabulous holiday season, and i'm pretty damn sad to say that christmas/etc is over, but with the end of the holidays comes a brand new year, and i decided that, instead of making a random list of goals to accomplish in 2013, i'd make a different sort of list.

i've made a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days - i'm using Day Zero Project to keep track of it. :)

yes, that is roughly three years, and i've made sure to make all of my goals things that are measurable. some are absolutely free of charge, and others will cost a pretty penny, but all of them are things that i really want to accomplish in the near future. some will technically be repeats for me, some will seem meaningless to anyone else, but i'm absolutely excited about all of them.

i plan to blog about these things as i pursue them, but here's the list, for posterity's sake:
My 101 in 1001 List:  
(to be completed by September 27th, 2015)

1. Have a $1000 in a "just for fun" fund
2. Get to my goal weight and maintain
3. Query a novel
4. Write a letter to myself to be opened when the 1001 days is over - done - 1/2/2013
5. Go on a spontaneous road trip
6. Have professional photos taken
7. Run a 5K race - WIP (Registered 1/17/2013)
8. Go on a cruise
9. Finally have a ceremony/reception in our 10th year (2015)
10. Get a tattoo
11. Go vegetarian for a month
12. Buy a house
13. Pay off my credit cards
14. Pay off my car
15. Throw Bella a crazy awesome 5th birthday bash
16. Record a song in a professional studio
17. Write a collection of short stories
18. Enter a writing contest
19. Find a job that I love
20. Get laser hair removal
21. Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day
22. Have a romantic weekend away
23. Do 5 random acts of kindness
24. Get an agent
25. Sell a series of books
26. Find a yoga class to attend regularly
27. Take an internet sabbatical (1 month)
28. Get purple highlights
29. Stop biting my nails - done, January 2013
30. Reread the Harry Potter series
31. Be an extra in a film
32. Attend a music festival
33. Attend the midnight premiere of a movie
34. Actually attend my graduation ceremony
35. Throw Ken an amazeballs 40th birthday party
36. Make Valentines Day 2013 into an event - WIP :)
37. Donate hair to Locks of Love
38. Do ACL as a VIP
39. Get to know my dad
40. Really learn Spanish
41. Learn Italian
42. Get a passport
43. Give flowers to someone
44. Give a 100% tip
45. Cook a three course meal
46. Ask 20 friends to suggest one book, and read them all - WIP 1/4/2013
47. Visit Vancouver CANADA
48. Go back to NYC
49. Have a spa day
50. Dress up for Halloween
51. Make Christmas cards for my friends and family
52. Rewatch Dawson's Creek
53. Have a '90s theme party
54. Have a slumber party
55. Do some volunteer work
56. Buy a canvas and paint a piece of artwork - WIP (registered for class)
57. Buy a Keurig
58. Attend a wine tasting
59. Attend five author events
60. Get a pedicure
61. Have $10000 in savings
62. Donate $5 to charity for each task I don’t complete
63. Be pescatarian for a month
64. Try 15 new recipes
65. Try out Indian food
66. Spring clean and donate or chuck out
67. Start meditating
68. Enroll Bella in a dance class
69. Make baked brie
70. Surprise someone with an unexpected gift
71. Surprise Ken with a picnic lunch
72. Go to a movie by myself
73. Make the move to organic produce/foods
74. Get a puppy
75. Have a kick ass 31st birthday party
76. Take a family vacation
77. Spend an afternoon reading at the park
78. Complete a 365 day photo challenge - WIP (#fmsphotoaday)
79. Complete a 1000 piece puzzle
80. Begin the writing of one of the entries on my Writer's Bucket List
81. Whiten my teeth
82. Learn how to knit or crochet
83. Spend a day in silence
84. Spend a day exploring my city
85. Make homemade baskets of goodies for Christmas
86. Try 15 new restaurants
87. Spend a weekend away with Bella
88. Have a weekend away with my girls
89. See a musical
90. Wear false eyelashes - WIP (Vicki's wedding, 4/13)
91. Be able to do 100 sit ups
92. Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal for 6 months - WIP January 2013
93. Watch all of the James Bond movies
94. Send a secret to PostSecret
95. Go to a symphony
96. Bake something with Bella (from scratch)
97. Buy a throwback bathing suit
98. Wear a dress or skirt every day for a week
99. Go see the bats
100. Write a handwritten letter to someone
101. See Mumford & Sons in concert (again)