Sunday, 13 January 2013

Stuff to Get Done

i'm not even going to lie - the purpose of this blog entry is solely accountability for me. there are a handful of things i need to get done, things that continue to be put off for one reason or another, and i have to stop doing that. i figure if i post about it here, someone (if there is anyone) who reads this in my real life will prod me, which will give me the extra oomph of motivation to get these things done.

so, here they are, in no particular order:

1) finish the edits of my novel. i'm currently on page 93 of about 360, and after this pass through, i still have to give it a final read through.  i have to do this in order to query, because i refuse to query something that is lacking in quality. the end. due date: 1/24 - update 1/21 - on page 240/370  update 1/22 - on page 282/375 - LESS THAN 100 pages left! DONE! 1/24/13  - 9:20ish PM
2) buy B a new bed and new bedding. she's simply too tall for the one we have, but with the move and then the holidays, as well as K not having an income quite yet, other things took priority. due date: 3/1
3) buy a new belt. this sounds so stupid, i know, but i no longer have one that is small enough to actually help when jeans are too loose. and it's been this way since like ... october. yeah. i suck at buying things for myself. due date: 3/1
4) purchase notebook for v-day project. details must be kept on the hush. ;) due date: ASAP  done 1/16/13
     4a) actually complete v-day project. due date: 1/31 - done - 1/17/13

so, if you know me, and you see me in real life over the next handful of months, kick me in the shins if i haven't started these things.

hope everyone had a great weekend! i know we did. :)

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