Monday, 22 April 2013

20 Questions

I thought this questionnaire was pretty cool, and my friends over at keysmashblog posted it a couple weeks back. Because I'm pretty fantastically faily right now about keeping up with my eleventy million emailed notifications of new blog posts (and Google Reader is kaput), I thought I'd post my responses here.

1. How do you take your coffee? 
With a good amount of sugar and half and half. Please note that I do not like flavored creamers. Honestly, there's very little I find less appetizing.

2. What is/are your middle name(s)?
Renee. No tilde. 

3. Do you have a side of the bed?
When I'm actually in bed, I prefer to be on the right. 

4. What is your favorite color to wear?
Purple or teal.

5. Do you leave the water running when you brush your teeth?
Sometimes. And by sometimes, I mean: Usually. #waste

6. When you’re home alone are you more often watching TV or listening to music?
Listening to music, unless I'm in the middle of a Doctor Who marathon. For reals.

7. Do you sing in the shower? If so, what songs?
Oddly enough? No. You're all surprised, aren't you?

8. How many times do you hit the snooze button?
Zero, usually. That said, I usually have 3 or so alarms, all set to go off at random times on my phone, so if I ignore one, another is usually coming at some strange interval of time later.

9. If you could change your name would you? If so, to what?
Meh. Angela is alright.

10. Do you crack your knuckles?
I do. It's a rather unfortunate and nasty habit.

11. Do you fall asleep easily?
Depends on what the day was like. There are evenings in which I stare at the ceiling for ages, and others in which I pass out moments after my head hits the pillow.

12. Do you smile at yourself in the mirror?
I do. Who doesn't? 

13. How many pairs of jeans do you own?
Honestly? 4. Yes, that's it. And 2 of them don't fit properly.

14. Do you prefer a firm mattress or a soft mattress?

15. How do you like your burgers done?
Eh. Medium-Well, I suppose. Red meat and I aren't really BFFs.

16. What is the newest music you’ve listened to?
One Direction. Don't judge me, monkey.

17. Do you use lip balm?
I'm actually pretty sometime-y with lip balm.

18. Are you good at parallel parking?
Well, I haven't done it since this one time in Nashville almost 2 years ago. I hate it, regardless of whether I'm good at it or not.

19. How often do you Google yourself?
Uh, I think I've done that once. Because no thanks.

20. What kind of bread do you keep in your house?
Wheat, always.

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